Super Funds

Self-Managed Super Fund Property Investment


With a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF), you have a greater range and choice of investments than with a managed industry fund. This includes being able to purchase investment property by meeting certain conditions.
Property purchased through an SMSF can’t be lived in by you, the other trustee or anyone associated with the trustees – regardless of how distant the connection. Many Australians seek a retirement investment strategy with larger control over their finances. In that case, you may want to consider setting up a self managed super fund to buy property to invest your money in the direction you want. An increasingly popular choice for Australians in recent years, SMSFs are often used to buy investment properties.
A self managed super fund also can’t be rented by you, the other trustee or anyone associated with the trustees. In any case, buying a holiday home in your SMSF and living there during the summer isn’t allowed.
Furthermore, you can’t put an existing residential investment property that you’ve got into an SMSF – either by way of the fund purchasing it at market price or contributing within the cap limits.
A self managed fund can even use borrowed monies to get one asset, or a set of identical assets that have an equivalent market price. Through Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBA), they are driving the recognition of property purchases in SMSFs. This specific method involves the SMSF trustees receiving the beneficial interest within the purchased asset, while the legal ownership is persisted trust. The upside is that, with an LRBA, your whole super fund isn’t in danger if the loan is defaulted. There also are restrictions on the way a debtor can recover their funds.
At Pinnacle Fortune, we understand that running an SMSF requires knowledge, expertise and time. That’s why we offer you help in setting up and managing your SMSF to buy an investment property. Our specialist team can provide investors with assistance in a variety of ways:
At Pinnacle Fortune, we understand that running an SMSF requires knowledge, expertise and time. That’s why we offer you help in setting up and managing your SMSF to buy an investment property. Our specialist team can provide investors with assistance in a variety of ways:
Connect you with the specialists who can advise on the setting up an SMSF
Work with industry specialists to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance and auditing in place Help you to secure a home loan that meets limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBA) Get the best investment loan at the most competitive rate Find a suitable property to invest using super-fund Looking to Invest in the Property as an Asset Using Super? Talk to us.